Mathematics, Astronomy & Computer Science

1.Who started counting Numbers?

During 4000 BC Babilonians started writing Numbers from left to right in batches of 10.

2.When was Zero (0) introduced?

During 600 B C India & China started writing zero for easy counting

3.When was -ve marking started?

Negative marking was started in Europe during the year 1500AD

4.What are Prime Numbers?

Numbers like 5 7, 11. etc which can only be divided by itself are termed as Prime Numbers.

5.What are the symbols of Arithmetic?

+ Addition, Subtraction, X multiplication, : Dividing,

Equals, < Less than, > Greater than, % Percentage,

✓ Square root of.

6.What is meant by fraction?

A part of a whole item or number is known as fraction.

7.What are Fibonacci Series?

Italian mathematician by name “Leenardo” discovered a special sequence of (0+1=1), (1+1=2), (2+3=5), (3+5=8), (5+8=13) etc This forms a sequence 0,1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34, etc This is termed as Fibonacci Series.

8. What do you know about Arithmetic Progression (AP).

AP is a SERIESOF NUMBERS, which is either greater than or bavi less than one number before a fixed amount like 3,7, 11, 15,19, where the difference between each successive number is 4. 

9. What is meant by Geometric Progression (GP).

GP is a series of numbers where in each number will have a constant ratio to that one number before Ex; 2, 4, 8, 16, 32 etc ic each number is double than that of previous number.

10. Define Mathematics. 

Mathematics is a study of numbers. Without this NO other Science would have developed. All studies like Science,Engineering, Development of Computer Science are to-daynisu developing for the betterment of human life only because of Maths.

11. What is measurement?

Since ancient times to account any perfect values like Length, Breadth, Depth, Weight, & Volume measurements are used. It is the determination of any exact or equal quantity with reference to a standard value.
During olden days measurement of length were represented by different parts of Human body. Ex Thumb for Inch, Feet for Foot, Arm for Yard.

12. What is a unit and how many types of units are there.

A unit is a standard value of length, mass & time. There are many types of units adopted by each country. They ar represented as M.K.S units (metric), F.P.S units (British In the Modren world. SI units known as Standard International units are also being adopted.

13. What are standard units of present day?

Following standerd units are in use through out the world.
Metre - m - Length
Kilogram - kg - Weight
Seconds - s - Time
Ampere - a - Current
Kelvin - k - Temperature
Candela - cd - Light
Mole - mol - Amount of substance

All these units are known as fundamental units Other units like Area, Volume, Density, Velocity, Force, Viscosity etc are known as derived Until These are derived or evaluated by standard units.

14. What are the different branches of Mathematics. Explain each of them.

Mathematics is divided into; following groups Arithmetic &Algebra, Calculus, Geometry& Trignometry, Solid Geometry. 
Arithmetic& Algebra deals with single and multiple functions of addition, Subtraction, Multiplication &Division. Ex. 2+8 - 1 x 5=45. and not 16 as there is a combination of different operations.
Calculus is a study of assessment of the Area of an irregular shaped surface.
This is done using a formulae.
Ex. The area of a surface is divided to a number of rectangular strips of smallest width and different heights and all the areas of these strips are added to get the final total area almost accurately. Calculus is further divided two groups known as Differential calculas and Integral calculus Differential calculus deals with Rate of change of variables with respect to Time. Integral calculas integrates all the variables between two limits

They are denoted by x / t & / dx respectively.
Geometry is concerned with the location of a point in space and knomn as Coordinate geometry. This is represented with two axis perpendicular to each other as illustrated in the fig. Trignometry deals with triangular measurements. This will be used to measure heights and distances of various objects.
Supposing a cone is cut in different directions as illustrateri in the figure shown above vertically, at an angle the shape cut surfaces are termed as conic sections. They are calle Hyperbola, & Parabola, and Ellipse respectively. 
This was invented by a Greek Mathematician Apollioniu during 16th century. 
Nearly 1800 years it was not used for any practical purpose and studied as an aesthetic interest. br Later a German Astrologer Kepler (1571—1630) and Newton found that Planets move round the SUN in different tracks,
which follow these conic sections.

16. Why is NOBLE Prize not given for Mathematics?
The subject Mathematics was not considered by Lord Nobel as a practical science, as it will not help humanity.

17. What are the famous theorems in Maths?
1. Four colour therom 2. Trisection of an Angle 
3. Hilbert problem 4. There is No perfect ODD number'

18. What is a computer?
It is a progrmmable electronic device for storing, and retrieving information using various computer programs

19. How many types of computers are there?
There are three types of computers, Analog, Digital andvhybrid computers.

20. Who was the first person to build a digital computer?
Professor Horward. A. Allen of the Harvard University built the first computer and IBM developed a computer.

21. What arithmetic system is used in a computer?
A computer uses a binary code system in which numbers and alphabets are converted in digits of one and zero.

22. What is meant by computer programming languages?
Computers are designed to understand to understand certain languages. These are Basic, COBOL, Fortran, Pascal, Microsoft and others,

23. What are computer graphics?
The use of computer to display and represent data in a pictorial form by scanning an image or by drawing it using a computer program.

24. What is the function of the memory unit?
The memory unit is used to store the data as well as the program for analyzing data are stored separately.

25. Can a computers think by itself?
No, a computer does not have an ability to think on its own, it has to be programmed before it can analyse a problem and give the correct solution.