Physics Facts Part 2

53. What is a carburetor?
It is a part of a car where the air and petrol mix together and then enter the cylinder of an engine to explode.

54. What is a cathode ray tube?
It is an instrument to generate cathode rays.

55. What are cathode rays?
These are streams of electrons coming from a cathode in a to cathode ray tube.

56. What are catotropic substances?
These are substances which reflect light.

57. What does center of gravity imply?
The point on anything on which it would balance.

58. What is a chassis?
It is the frame and engine of a vehicle without the body.

59. What is a very accurate clock known called?

60. What is a circuit?
It is circular path followed by electricity in a battery and back to the battery.

61. What is a clinker?
It is a hard mass of a unburnable substance left in a furnace specially in cement factory.

62. What is a closed circuit?
An electric current in which there is a complete path for the current to flow, as is seen in the light circuit of our house.

63. What is a cockpit?
It is the small part in a ship where the main steering is situated . It also the covered place in which the pilot sits in an aeroplane.

64. What is a capacitor?
It is an instrument to hold large amount of electricity even after the battery is disconnected from the instrument.

65. What is conduction?
Passing of electricity through a wire or passing heat along a substance is known as conduction.

66. What are corrugated-sheets.?
Corrugated sheets are those sheets which are bent into waves.

67. What are cosmic radiations?
The radiations which enter the Earth's atmosphere from outer space.

68. In what position does human beings exert the least pressure on the ground?
Lying on the back and stretching the body to a straight posture.

69. What is static friction?
The friction offered by any substance in its resting condition on the surface is called static friction which is always equal to dynamic friction.

70. Through which media does sound travel at the fastest rate?
Metallic media.

71. What is the unit of frequency?

72. What are the gasses used in sign boards?
Inert gases like argon, crypton and zenon.

73. What is the unit of magnetic intensity?

74. What is the melting point of tungsten?
3000 °C.

75. Why does the mercury column in a thermometer fall rapidly before a severe storm?
It is mainly due to fall in atmospheric pressure.

76. Why does water boil below 100°C at a higher altitude?
The atmospheric pressure is low at higher altitude as compared to sea level.

77. What is a Sun's spectrum?

78. What is a developer?
It is a chemical substance used to convert silver salts to metallic silver on a photographic plate after it has been exposed to light..

79. Who discovered the law of attraction and repa usion of electric charges?
Sir Henry Coulumb.

80. What is the dew point?
The temperature at which the water vapor in th: air gets converted to dew and falls on leaves as water droplets.

81. Which is the most abundantly available metal in the earth's crust?

82. Which is the most widely used metal in the world?

83. In which country was powder metallurgy technique invented?

84. A container made of hot metal is least affected by acid present in food?

85. Which is the first alloy made in the world?

86. Which metal is as strong as steel but weighs half iis weight ?

87.Name the metal remains liquid at room temperature?

88. What is bronze made up of ?
Copper and Zinc. 

89.What is the material used in dry cells as positive terminal?

90.What will happen to surface tension of water at higher temperature?
Surface tension of water decreases at higher temperature.

91.What kind or mirror is used for rear viewing in automobiles?
Convex mirror.

92.Who invented the elevator (lift)?

93.Who observed the Ultraviolet rays for the first time?
Johann Wilhelm Ritter.

94.What are the sound waves, which human beings cannot hear?
Ultrasonic waves

95.Which country has the biggest gold deposits?
S. Africa

96.What is Diathermy?
A process by which heat is generated in side the body by the application of a high frequency current.

97.What gas is released by the automobiles and factories and is a health hazard?
Carbon Monoxide.

98.Which gas is known as Marsh gas?

99. What is the process of die casting?
In die casting, the die is made to the accurate dimension in two halves and the metal is pressed in it at high pressure.

100. What is dry ice?
Solid Carbon di oxide.

101. What is heavy water?
It is a compound of deuterium and oxygen. It is used in Nuclear reactors.

102. What is a draw bar?
The bar at the back of the tractor, which is used to connect non-motorized equipment.