Physics Facts

1.What is Energy?
In general terms Energy means strength required to work. In the field of science it is the capacity to do work.

2.What is Inertia?
The resistance offered by any Matter or Substance both in its state of rest or in motion is called Inertia.

3.What is elasticity?
A property of any material when pulled between its ends will elongate and when pulling force is released the material takes its original shape and size. This is known as Elasticity. Ex Rubber.

4. What is Friction?
The resistance offered by any media for movement of a moving object is called friction.

5. What is Gravitational force?
The force which pulls object in space to the ground or surface of the earth.

6. What do you mean by Centrifugal force?
The force created due to rotation of a material is known as centrifugal force.

7. What do you mean by Centripetal force?
It is the force required to make a thing move in a circle.

8. What is a calorie?
It is a unit of heat and equal to raise the temperature of 1 gram of water by 1 degree centigrade. 

9. What is the unit of Pressure?
Pascal is the unit of pressure.

10. What is the unit of Atmospheric pressure?
Bar is the unit of Atmospheric pressure.

11. What is the unit of sound intensity?
Decibel is the unit of sound intensity.

12. What is a Horse power?
It is the unit of Power and it is equal to 746 watts.

13. What is momentum?
The product of mass and velocity. of a moving body is Momentum.

14. What is acceleration?
Acceleration is known for the rate of change of velocity.

15. What is an accelerometer?
It is an instrument to measure the rate of change of speed ..

16. What is an accumulator?
It is an cell which can store electricity. (Direct Current)

17. What is an inverter?
It is a device used to interchange AC current to DC current and vice versa.

18. What is meant by acoustics?
The echo of sound in a closed place is known as acoustics.

19. What is an actinometer?
It is an instrument for measuring sunlight.

20. What are additives?
Substances which are added to oil to give it some special quality, eg. to make it less sticky are known as additives.

21. What are aerated waters?
Soda water, in which carbon dioxide is dissolved under pressure is known as aerated water.

22. What is aerodynamics?
It is the study of the forces which act on gases, especially related to the forces on air acting on an aeroplane.

23. What is aeronautics ?
It is the science of flight. 

24. What is Agfacolor?
It is a system of color photography using three light sensitive films fixed to one celluloid base. These films are sensitive to blue green and red color.

25. What are allerons?
These are movable edges on the wings of an aeroplane used to make one wing go up and the other down specially during turning

26. What is an air-glow?
It is the faint light given given out by air due to physical and chemicall processes going on in the upper atmosphere.

27. What is an air lock ?
It is caused by the formation of an air bubble in a pipe containing liquid and stops the flow of the liquid. It occurs commonly in diesel vehicles.

28. What is annodising?
It is the process of increasing the corrosion resistance in metals like aluminium by providing a thin film of aluminium oxide on the surface.

29., What is an anti-freeze?
It is a chemical compound added to water to prevent it from freezing and forming ice.

30. What is Asbestos?
It is a fibrous material of certain minerals like crocodelite and chrysolite. 

31. What is bakelite?
It is a synthetic plastic made from phenol and formaldehyde, generally used as an electric insulator.

32. What is a bubble chamber?
A bubble chamber is a container containing liquid hydrogen under pressure below its boiling point. It is used in nuclear research to trace the path of charged atomic particles.

33. What is an amplifier? 
It is a radio valve to increase the amplitude of the alternating current and enhance the sound.

34. What is fiber glass?
It is a synthtic material made from tiny threads of glass and resin used for making car bodies and boats. It is flexible and retains the tensor strength of glass and is fire proof.

35. What is hypersonic flight?
It is a flight at speed more than five times the speed of sound.

36. What is an astronomical unit?
It is the average distance of the earth from the sun (92,000,000 miles) used as a measuring unit.

37. What is an atomizer?
It is an instrument by which liquid is changed into a fine cloud or mist (mixing it with air) and by blowing it through a small hole.

38. What is audiofrequency?
It is the number of electrical waves, which can be converted to audible sound i.e. more than 15, 000 pulses per second.

39. What happens when an engine back fires as in car or auto-rickshaw?
This occurs because there is an explosion in the cylinder of the motor car engine before the piston reaches the top of the upward stroke.

40. What is a ball valve?
This is a ball which fits into the end of a pipe so that liquid can flow in only one direction, not backwards into the pipe.

41. What is a bayonet?
It is knife fixed to the end of a rifle.

42. What is a beam compass?
It is an instrument for drawing large circles.

43. What is a bimetallic strip?
It is a bar made up of two metals fastened side by side. When the bar is heated, the unequal expansion of the metals causes them to bend. This is the system used in fire alarms.

44. What is a blast furnace?
It is Big steel furnace, measuring 80 ft in height. The inside of the container is lined with fire bricks and is it filled with iron ore, lime stone and burning coke,. Air is passed through this and iron is extracted from the ore.

45. What is a bomb calorimeter?
This is an instrument to measure the calorific value of a substance specially wood.

46. What is a British Thermal Unit?
It is the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of one pound water by one degree Farenheit.

47. What is Brownian movement?
Hou It is the continuous movement of very small particles ( like ink) in a liquid. The water molecules hit the ink particles continuously and cause the movement.

48. What is a Bus-Bar?
It is bar used to join two or more electrical circuits.

49. What is mass number?
The total number of protons and neutrons in an atom is called mass number.

50. What is a butterfly Valve?
It is a plate turning on an axle inside a pipe. This is used for controlling the supply of petrol vapour to an engine.

51. What is the calorific value of a substance?
It is the amount of heat produced by burning one gram of a substance.

52. What is capillary action?
When a liquid is drawn up in a fine tube due to attraction between its molecules it is known as capillary action, as is seen in water absorbed by blotting paper.