Top 21 Facts Of Astronomy Part 2

Hey Guys, We are back with Some more Facts Of Astronomy, I believe you learn many things from part 1, If you haven't read part 1, you are missing so much interesting facts. Must Read!
Well, Let's Get Started!

1. What is the longest day?
Since the Axis of the earth is not at right angles to its orbit and is at an angle of 23°27' the day and night interval will not be equal. This means that people in the hemisphere inclined, towards the sun will have more daytime than night. This is
known as the longest day.

2. What is the shortest day?
If the surface area of the earth when rotating against its axis comes farthest distance from the sun the time interval of the day will be less as compared tonight, It's called the Shortest day.

3. When will the earth surface have an equal interval of day & night?
On March 21st and September 23rd of every year, day and night will have equal intervals.

4. What is earth's year?
It is the time taken by the earth to complete its rotation once in its orbit and which is 365 days 5 hours 48 minutes and 46 seconds.

5. What is a leap year?
Once in 4 years, the number of days become 366 for that year. This is called a leap year.

6. What is Lithosphere?
It is the upper rocky layer of the earth which has a thickness of 300km.

7. What is Hydrosphere?
It is the water mainly in the ocean and seas on the surface of the earth. After the earth was formed the water vapor in the atmosphere condensed and formed Hydrosphere.

8. What is Magnetosphere?
Sun showers charged atomic particles that are affected by the earth's magnetic field This is known as the Magnetosphere.

9. What is the ionosphere?
This is an area above the earth's surface that reflects Radio waves or bounce back electrically charged air in the atmosphere. It will be at a distance of 100- 300 km from the earth's surface.

10. Who remained in space for the longest time?
Yuri Romanenko of Russia remained in space for the longest time (326 days in 1987)

11. Can sound waves travel in space?
No, as there is no atmosphere, the sound waves cannot travel, and as such two astronauts cannot speak in space.

12. What is a count down?
The time before which the space ship is launched into space after everything is ready.

13. What is splashdown?
Splashdown in the time when the astronauts return to the earth. As soon as the capsule is splashed into the water, they are taken away by helicopters to other places.

14. What is meant by docking of two space crafts?
Linking up of the two space crafts in the orbit is called docking. The spacecraft uses their two rocket motors to line up and then they go near each other and get locked with
each other.

15. What is a space shuttle?
A space shuttle is a reusable spacecraft that can be used many times for space missions.

16. Can you reach space on an airplane?
No, as there is no air, the plane cannot fly in the absence of an atmosphere.

17. What is an artificial satellite?
Artificial satellites are man-made satellites that are orbiting around the earth and are launched into space with the help of rockets.

18. What is an orbit?
It is the path taken by a planet in space to go round another object/planet in space.

19. What is the function of a heat shield?
As the spaceship returns to the earth's atmosphere, it gets extremely hot due to friction. To protect the astronauts, the front end of the capsule is covered with a heat shield made of special plastic, which withstands heat up to 2700°C. Some of the plastic melts and takes away the heat and protects the capsule.

20. Can people walk in space?
No, they cannot walk in space as there is no gravitational pull and they cannot stand on their feet. They can only float in space.

21. What is apparent movement?
This is the movement of the stars which cannot be seen by man as he himself in moving with the earth.